Popcorn Recount!

I am learning to:
  • write a personal recount of something I have done

I will know that I am successful when my recount includes:

  • Who, what, where, when, why and how in my writing.
  • I have drawn a picture that shows what my story is about.
  • My story makes sense.

Problem solving in Room 21

I am learning to do problem solving.  Miss Chadinha gave us a problem and we had to work out different ways to show the answer.

Buttons and Bears 

Mother Bear is making her 5 bear cubs’ new coats. The coats have 3 buttons each. How many buttons does Mother Bear need?


I am learning to write numbers using the right size and shape and to look at how I can split a number into 2 parts.

I can do this when I use my writing skills and my counting skills to work out how to split a number in 2 parts e.g. 12 = 6+6